Machineryline » Construction equipment sales auctions » Road construction equipment sales auctions » Asphalt pavers sales auctions » Crawler asphalt pavers sales auctions » Ammann crawler asphalt pavers sales auctions » Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver »

Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver for sale by auction

Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 2
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 3
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 4
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 5
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 6
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 7
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 8
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 9
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 10
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 11
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 12
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 13
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 14
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 15
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 16
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 17
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 18
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 19
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 20
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 21
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 22
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 23
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 24
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 25
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 26
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 27
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 28
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 29
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 30
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 31
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 32
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 33
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 34
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 35
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 36
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 37
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 38
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 39
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 40
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 41
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 42
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 43
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 44
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 45
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 46
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 47
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 48
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 49
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 50
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 51
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 52
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 53
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 54
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 55
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 56
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 57
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 58
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 59
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 60
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 61
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 62
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 63
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 64
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 65
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 66
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 67
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 68
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 69
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 70
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 71
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 72
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 73
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 74
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 75
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 76
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 77
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 78
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 79
Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver image 80
Interested in the ad?
Starting bid:
CZK 2,499,000
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Contact the seller
Brand: Ammann
Model: AFT 700-3
Year of manufacture: 2017-01
First registration: 2017-01-01
Running hours: 4,773 m/h
Location: Czechia Měník
Placed on: Mar 6, 2025
Machineryline ID: KM44650
Fuel: diesel
Condition: used
More details
VIN: 10002030PHG002120
Additional services

More details — Ammann AFT 700-3 crawler asphalt paver

Regular service.
Out of service for 3 months.
Complete, functional, including all leveling components.
Serviced after 1,000 MTH.
8/2024 - complete replacement of AdBlue system.
New base plate and "tenprs".
New heating.
Side plexiglass of the cabin - broken, Roof - repairs, Minor deformations, operational abrasions on all parts of the machine, deeper corrosion in places (lower part of the main frame), Scratches on the body, Operation wear and damages, Surface corrosion of the bodywork, Deformation of the bodywork, Strong corrosion of the bodywork
Pravidelný servis.
Odstaveno z provozu 3 měsíce.
Kompletní, funkční, včetně všech komponentů nivelace.
Proveden servis po 1.000 MTH.
8/2024 - výměna komplet systému AdBlue.
Nová základová deska a "tenpry".
Nové topení.
Boční plexiskla kabiny - olámaná, Střecha - opravy, Na všech částech stroje drobné deformace, provozní oděrky, místy hlubší koroze (spodní část hlavního rámu), Škrábance na karoserii, Provozní oděrky a poškození, Povrchová koroze karoserie, Deformace karoserie, Silná koroze karoserie
Regelmäßiger Service.
3 Monate außer Betrieb.
Komplett, funktionsfähig, inkl. aller Nivellierkomponenten.
Wartung nach 1.000 MTH durchgeführt.
08/2024 – Austausch des kompletten AdBlue-Systems.
Neues Motherboard und „Tenprs“.
Neue Heizung.
Seitliches Plexiglas der Kabine – gebrochen, Dach – Reparaturen, kleinere Verformungen, betriebsbedingter Abrieb an allen Teilen der Maschine, stellenweise tiefere Korrosion (unterer Teil des Hauptrahmens), Kratzer am Körper, Schürfwunden und Karosserieschäden, Oberflächenkorrosion der Karosserie, Verformung der Karosserie, Starke Karosseriekorrosion
Rendszeres szerviz.
3 hónapja üzemen kívül.
Komplett, funkcionális, beleértve az összes szintező alkatrészt.
Szerviz 1000 MTH után történt.
8/2024 - a teljes AdBlue rendszer cseréje.
Új alaplap és "tenprs".
Új fűtés.
Fülke oldalsó plexi - törött, Tető - javítások, Kisebb deformációk, üzemi kopások a gép minden részén, helyenként mélyebb korrózió (a főváz alsó része), Karcolások a karosszérián
, Üzemi horzsolások és sérült, Karosszéria felszíni korróziója, Karosszéria deformáció, Erősen korrodálódó karosszéria
Regularna usługa.
Nieczynny od 3 miesięcy.
Kompletny, sprawny, łącznie ze wszystkimi elementami poziomującymi.
Usługa wykonana po przejechaniu 1000 MTH.
8/2024 - wymiana całego układu AdBlue.
Nowa płyta główna i "tenprs".
Nowe ogrzewanie.
Boczna pleksa kabiny - pęknięta, Dach - naprawa, Drobne odkształcenia, otarcia eksploatacyjne na wszystkich częściach maszyny, miejscami głębsza korozja (dolna część ramy głównej), Zadrapania na ciele, Otarcia eksploatacyjne i uszkodzenia, Powierzchniowa korozja karoserii, Deformacja karoserii, Silna korozja karoserii
Регулярное обслуживание.
Не эксплуатируется уже 3 месяца.
Полный, функциональный, включая все выравнивающие компоненты.
Обслуживание выполняется после 1000 MTH.
8/2024 - замена всей системы AdBlue.
Новая материнская плата и "tenprs".
Новое отопление.
Боковое оргстекло кабины - разбито, Крыша - ремонт, Незначительные деформации, эксплуатационные потертости на всех частях машины, местами более глубокая коррозия (нижняя часть основной рамы), Царапины на теле, Эксплуатационные потертости и повреждения, Поверхностная коррозия кузова, Деформация кузова, Сильная коррозия кузова
Pravidelný servis.
Odstavené z prevádzky 3 mesiace.
Kompletné, funkčné, vrátane všetkých komponentov nivelácie.
Vykonaný servis po 1.000 MTH.
8/2024 - výmena komplet systému AdBlue.
Nová základová doska a "tenpre".
Nové kúrenie.
Bočné plexisklá kabíny - olámané, Strecha - opravy, Na všetkých častiach stroja drobné deformácie, prevádzkové odreniny, miestami hlbšej korózie (spodná časť hlavného rámu), Škrabance na karosérii, Prevádzkové odreniny a poškodenie, Povrchová korózia karosérie, Deformácia karosérie, Silná korózia karosérie
Регулярне обслуговування.
Не обслуговується 3 місяці.
Повний, функціональний, включаючи всі компоненти вирівнювання.
Обслуговування виконано після 1000 MTH.
8/2024 - заміна всієї системи AdBlue.
Нова материнська плата і "тенпр".
Нове опалення.
Бікове оргскло кабіни - розбите, Дах - ремонт, Незначні деформації, експлуатаційні потертості по всіх частинах машини, місцями більш глибока корозія (нижня частина рами), Подряпини на кузові, Корозія поверхні кузова, Деформація кузова, Сильна корозія кузова.
This offer is for guidance only. Please request more precise information from the seller.
Purchase tips
Safety tips
Seller Verification

If you decide to buy equipment at a low price, make sure that you communicate with the real seller. Find out as much information about the owner of the equipment as possible. One way of cheating is to represent yourself as a real company. In case of suspicion, inform us about this for additional control, through the feedback form.

Price Check

Before you decide to make a purchase, carefully review several sales offers to understand the average cost of your chosen equipment. If the price of the offer you like is much lower than similar offers, think about it. A significant price difference may indicate hidden defects or an attempt by the seller to commit fraudulent acts.

Do not buy products which price is too different from the average price for similar equipment.

Do not give consent to dubious pledges and prepaid goods. In case of doubt, do not be afraid to clarify details, ask for additional photographs and documents for equipment, check the authenticity of documents, ask questions.

Doubtful prepayment

The most common type of fraud. Unfair sellers may request a certain amount of advance payment to “book” your right to purchase equipment. Thus, fraudsters can collect a large amount and disappear, no longer get in touch.

Varieties of this fraud may include:
  • Transfer of prepayment to the card
  • Do not make an advance payment without paperwork confirming the process of transferring money, if during the communication the seller is in doubt.
  • Transfer to the “Trustee” account
  • Such a request should be alarming, most likely you are communicating with a fraudster.
  • Transfer to a company account with a similar name
  • Be careful, fraudsters may disguise themselves as well-known companies, making minor changes to the name. Do not transfer funds if the company name is in doubt.
  • Substitution of own details in the invoice of a real company
  • Before making a transfer, make sure that the specified details are correct, and whether they relate to the specified company.
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