MUSLIU KFZ & Baumaschinenhandel
Musliu is your reliable source for used commercial vehicles and construction machinery in Styria. A service-orientated family business with trustworthiness!
The brothers Fatlum and Egzon Musliu turned their passion for motor vehicles and construction machinery into a profession. Since 2008, they have focused on the purchase and sale of used commercial vehicles in Liezen and have been specialists in their field for awhile. The goal of the family business is to purchase selected commercial vehicles in order to offer their customers a wide range of vehicles for various areas of use.
Vehicle fleet in northern Styria
On the 12,000 sq.m. lot in Liezen, the vehicle fleet is comprised of used tractor units, trailers, and excavators as well as used small delivery vans, fork trucks and coaches. The inventory of vehicles is continually being restocked and is also offered for rent. Fairness and trust in the business relationship is top priority. Quality is ensured because of industry-sector knowledge as well as many years of professional experience with construction machinery, trucks, and commercial vehicles.